We put the latest facts together in order to form our datasheet. Our information is taken from train crews, photographs, videos and personal witnesses. Every fleet in existence today is documented, with information on cars that have been recently retired, those that are still remaining, and those that have yet to be delivered. We update our datasheet following new information.

*Our main goal is to provide accurate and up-to-date information to those who read this datasheet. If you notice any inaccuracies, have any corrections to some of the information in this sheet, or notice something that needs to be updated, please contact us at krisricky627@gmail.com.*

Datasheet as of August 25, 2011

Links to the sheet: The JoeKorNer / NYC Transit Forums

NYC Subway Car Datasheet.docx NYC Subway Car Datasheet.docx
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Type : docx
NYC Subway Car Datasheet.pdf NYC Subway Car Datasheet.pdf
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Type : pdf

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